See all the latest news, blogs and updates from the medical sector.
New beginnings
The summer holidays are always such an exciting time of the year but they can also be the gateway from the familiar to the unknown. Hear from some of our members who have been in the same situation or will be facing new beginnings just like you.
Alison's Scotland trip
The Support and Advocacy Team have been working on building a sense of community across our membership. A huge part of that has focused on Scotland and saw Alison embarking on an epic trip for MPS Awareness Week.
Together we can transform lives
Head over to the fundraising round-up to read about our biggest fundraising achievements to date. You will be amazed at how much has been raised in just 3 months!
CSAC Update July 2024
Hear from our trustee, Dr Fiona Stewart, as she reflects on the past six months of CSAC achievements and looks ahead to an exciting autumn.
Helen's story | MPS Awareness Week 2024
Helen's preconceived notions of a wellbeing course were shattered once she tried it. The course helped Helen identify positive aspects of her life and recognise the barriers preventing access to that positivity.
Rareminds' counsellors | MPS Awareness Week 2024
The specialist Rareminds counsellors explain the part they play in supporting people living with a rare disease.
Together we can transform lives
We've had some amazing fundraisers taking on a whole array of challenges from head shaves to overseas marathons. It has been great to see so many of you getting your fundraising hats on, read you stories.
Together we can transform lives
Read more about our fantastic fundraisers, who over the last weeks, have given their all to raise vital funds to help us support people and families living with rare diseases.
Hear the latest from CSAC
Our trustee Dr Fiona Stewart reflects on the projects and achievements carried out by our Clinical Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC) during the past year and shares their plans for 2024.

The impact you'll make | The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023
Thank you so much for smashing our target of £24,000 for the Big Give Christmas Challenge!