We want to give you the tools to be able to learn about MPS, Fabry and related diseases in order for children with the condition to receive a faster diagnosis.
Learn about Fabry disease
Discover the newly-developed Fabry disease online learning platform. Written and developed by Professor Derralynn Hughes, the platform offers professionals in-depth knowledge of Fabry disease.
Funding opportunities
Our Clinical Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC) consists of members of our Board of Trustees and the Society’s Patient Advocacy team who will consider research applications each year.
Memorial Fund
As part of the MPS Society’s 40th anniversary, we launched the Christine Lavery Memorial Fund for summer vacation studentships in memory of our founder to provide funding for two studentships for undergraduates.
Research grants
The MPS Society is inviting applications for research grants in MPS, Fabry and related diseases. We are currently inviting research applications on the theme of psychological wellbeing.
Find out about the conditions
We’ve got a wealth of information about each of our conditions.
What are Mucopolysaccharide (MPS) diseases?
Mucopolysaccharide (MPS) diseases are a family of rare, life limiting lysosomal storage disorders that can affect both children and adults.
What is Fabry?
Fabry disease is closely related to mucopolysaccharidoses and is one of the lysosomal storage diseases.
Related diseases
The MPS Society supports 25 MPS and related diseases including the Mucolipidoses, other ‘storage diseases’ and the following conditions which are similar to Mucopolysaccharide Diseases.
Spot the signs
The MPS Society is committed to bringing about change in the diagnostic journey of children affected by these rare conditions.
The Think Rare, Think MPS campaign supports earlier recognition of the signs and symptoms of MPS diseases by engaging with and educating the healthcare professionals most likely to see a patient with MPS in the early stages of the disease. #Spotthesigns
To find out more about our Think Rare, Think MPS campaign, please read our blog post below.Â
Resources for professionals
Living well with Fabry: a shared decision-making toolkit
This toolkit has been developed in collaboration with people living with Fabry and Fabry specialists and can help you talk about some of the symptoms that people have told us impact them the most.
Impact Report 2023
A full events schedule, several highly-specialised treatments approved, the launch of the support hub, 2023 has been a busy year and we think we've made a big difference. Read all about our impact in 2023.
MPS III Sanfilippo - information for individuals, parents and families
We know that being diagnosed with a rare condition is life-changing and you can struggle to come to terms with it.