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Two women wearing blue cardboard masks with blue t-shirts, a blue wig, pom-poms and a feather boa hold a fundraising bucket for MPS Society.

MPS Awareness Week

International MPS Awareness Day on 15 May is an important date to highlight the rare and often unknown MPS conditions. Each year we celebrate for a week, raising awareness for these conditions and urging those affected to share their stories.

MPS Awareness Week
13-19 May 2024

This year we are focussing on raising awareness of the mental health need of our community. Living with a rare disease puts a massive strain on mental health, from waiting for a diagnosis to living with a life-limiting disease, it’s hard and a lot to deal with. That’s why we provide specialist support for our community through RareMinds, a charity we work closely with to provide a professional counselling service.

Get involved

You smashed it!

This has been our biggest and best MPS Awareness Week campaign to date and we still have more school, nursery, community group and company events to come! The total stands at over £18,000 and we cannot thank you all enough for your efforts and help in supporting our families and individuals affected by MPS, Fabry, and related conditions with their mental health and well being.

Wear it Blue 

Raise awareness and fundraise at your school, community group or work place by organising a Wear it Blue event. To take part, simply share your plans with us and see our gallery below for some inspiration and all the fun there is to be had.

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Share our social media campaign highlighting the strain on mental health that a rare disease like MPS brings.

Download our fun resources

Thank you in advance for every pound you raise and every post you share!

Wear it Blue gallery

We love to see what you are up to during MPS Awareness Week, especially your Wear it Blue snap shots. Tag us on social media or submit your images here, so we can add you to this gallery of amazing supporters.

Raising awareness by sharing your stories