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Feedback and complaints

The MPS Society aims to always offer a high standard of service. By receiving your feedback, both good and bad we can monitor our practices to ensure we are providing the best service possible. We accept problems may arise and we hope that any issues you experience will be dealt with efficiently and effectively.

How to give feedback or make a complaint

To notify us of your feedback or complaint you may phone 0345 389 9901 (option 4) to speak to the Office Management Team, email, complete our online form or write to us at MPS Society, MPS House, Repton Place, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks HP7 9LP

If you would like to write your complaint down and post it, please contact us and we will send you a form and a freepost envelope.

Please indicate whether you are providing us feedback that requires no follow-up, or you are making an official complaint.

Any verbal or written feedback will be forwarded to the appropriate Head of Department and recorded on the feedback register.

In the event of a complaint, we will follow the procedure below:

Stage One – Complaint

We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt. We will record your complaint and between us we can agree on the best way and time to get back in contact with you.

Stage Two – Investigation

We endeavour to respond fully and conclusively to all complaints within 10 working days of our acknowledgement; if we think it will take longer, we will let you know. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will lead the investigation and ensure that all complaints are dealt with impartially and promptly.

Stage Three – Appeal

If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may seek an appeal to the Group Chief Executive Officer. Letters/emails of appeal must be received within 10 working days from the date on the letter (which will be sent by first class post), or email, notifying you of the outcome of the investigation.

Taking your dispute outside of the MPS Society

The complainant can complain to the Charity Commission at any stage. Information about the kind of complaints the Commission can involve itself in can be found on their website.

If you feel our resolution of your complaint is inadequate, you can refer the dispute for alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This is a free service.

If your complaint is related to fundraising activities, please refer to:

The Fundraising Regulator, Eagle House, 167 City Road, London. EC1V 1AW. You can call 0300 999 3407 or visit the website.

The Independent Betting Adjudication Service Ltd (IBAS). PO Box 62639 London, EC3P 3AS. You can call IBAS on 020 7347 5883.

How the MPS Society protects your data

The MPS Society will record, store and manage all complaints accurately and in accordance with UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)

The latest version of this policy document dated 17.04.2024 is available to all employees of the Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases on the corporate intranet.

This policy document was approved under the Society’s policy approval process on a version-controlled basis.

Document history

Version Author Date Changes
1.0 Barbara Cotterell 2023 First version
2.0 Anna Featherstone 20.02.2024 Update to incorporate lottery information
3.0 Sophie Thomas & Benedicta Marshall-Andrew 25.03.2024 Reviewed and updated