Finding the right travel insurance can be a challenge; making sure that you have covered all bases and taken all the unexpected eventualities into consideration. For individuals and families affected by MPS, Fabry or a related disease it can be an even bigger challenge to find the right cover.
As a starting point, we have put together our top 10 tips which we hope will provide you with the information you need to find the right travel insurance policy to suit you and your individual needs.
1. Don't accept the first quote
Do not automatically accept the first quote you receive. Different companies may offer you the same level of cover at a different price.
2. Quotes for disabled people are low
Quotes for disabled people have fallen in recent years as companies view them as less likely to take risks than able-bodied people.
3. Declare any pre-existing medical conditions
You will have to declare any pre-existing medical condition since failure to do so may result in the policy being declared invalid in the event of a claim being made.
4. Be prepared to be transferred to a medical screening line
When you ring up for your quote, you are likely to be referred to a medical screening line if you have more than one of the following:
High blood pressure
A hernia
benign lumps
If you have been a hospital inpatient in the last 12 months
If you have been under the care of a specialist consultant in the last 12 months.
This also applies if you have been referred to a consultant or if you are waiting to have an operation.
5. Some illnesses may increase your excess if you make a claim
The medical screening line has a list of thousands of illnesses, some of which may not affect your premium but which may increase the excess that you have to pay if any claim is made.
The insurer will also want to know if you have ever been treated for a heart or breathing problem and are still taking medication.
6. Rules don't just apply to you
The above rules also apply to anyone who is involved in looking after the affected person including close family and carers.
7. Ask for available discounts
Discounts may be made available although the company may not advise you of them. Discounts can apply if, for example, you have an ‘all risks’ household insurance policy, including cover for personal possessions (for example, a wheelchair) when away from home.
8. Search for family cover
If you are travelling as a family, you may not need to pay for each child separately. Some insurers offer family cover including children up to the age of 19 (or 23 if in full-time education).
9. Check for treatment availability
Ensure that medical insurance provides cover for all the treatment you or members of your family may need.
10. Get a Global Health Insurance Card
The Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) has replaced the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Once your EHIC has expired, you’ll be able to replace it with a GHIC. It gives access to the same health care that residents of the country you are visiting receive. However, this does not necessarily mean that treatment is free and there will be elements that it will not cover for example medications and this can be costly.
It is important to note that the GHIC does not cover the costs of returning you home should that be required. Therefore it is still important to get appropriate travel insurance.
Recommended companies
We have put together a list of companies recommended by our members. The MPS Society cannot endorse or recommend any of these companies specifically and has no direct experience of them. Please do remember when contacting these companies that you must specify any pre-existing medical conditions and remember to check that the policy you take out covers both your and your family’s specific needs. Medical screening may be required before insurance is approved.
0333 999 2679
The AA Travel Insurance 0808 169 1195
0333 300 0029
0845 293 9474
0800 032 7140
0845 338 1638
0845 9080 121
0845 600 3949
0845 250 5350
0845 230 5000
0844 357 1315
0870 7743 760
Lloyds Bank
0800 731 4044
0844 888 3900
0844 888 2787
0800 781 4083
0800 015 4751
0844 334 0160
0844 225 2042
0800 043 4003
0800 0683918
0800 033 4902
Natwest Travel Insurance
0800 0515401
0845 2 307 155
0800 1699 999
0800 0565 464
Read and download our factsheet on Tips for buying travel insurance below:
Buying Travel Insurance.pdf (pdf - 3155146)
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