See all the latest news, blogs and updates from the medical sector.
Strategically undervalued
Watch Gracie's powerful documentary on disability empowerment, raising awareness of her ultra-rare condition MPS IVA.
Kayden's story | MPS III Sanfilippo Awareness Day 2024
On MPS III Awareness Day we are sharing Kayden's story who was diagnosed with the condition aged two after becoming very unwell. His mum Rachel gives an insight into life with MPS III and explains how the family are adapting to Kayden's needs.
Ria's story | The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2024
Attending the annual Weekend of Hope and Remembrance has been a great source of comfort and support to Ria. Her story highlights the importance of being able to step out of everyday life, reflect and share memories with people who can relate.
Nadine's story | The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2024
Nadine explains the importance of getting together and creating memories as a whole family. It’s not just the child with a condition who needs special events, siblings and parents need time to be together in an understanding environment as well.
Archie puts boccia on the map
Have you ever heard of boccia? There is no one better to tell you all about the sport than our member Archie. He shares his infectious passion for boccia and his journey from player to coach.
A new chapter for Annie
Annie recently celebrated her 10th post-transplant birthday and very much looked forward to starting secondary school. Her mum Donna shares how the whole family prepared for this exciting new beginning and how the first days went.
Wearing it blue for Noah
July marks National Bereaved Parents Awareness Month and we would like to share a heartfelt thank you to Shauna and Steven who have supported the MPS Society with an extraordinary fundraising campaign in memory of their precious son Noah.
Cody's journey in powerchair football: A dream come true
Hear from our member Cody who shares her passion and journey of powerchair football from national to premier league.
Of course I love to score goals!
Hear from Tyler who, after a bilateral hip replacement, is fully embracing his passion for football. He shares how sheer determination to achieve his goals rewarded him places in the Danby Rovers and Mencap England football teams.
Sam just does "normal stuff"
We recently caught up with Sam to reflect on our first Adult Social Weekend in Manchester and covered even more important topics such as TV’s Taskmaster, Manchester United (his favourite football team), writing theatre plays and aerial acrobatics.