If you followed last year’s BBC Children in Need (CIN) programme, you simply couldn’t have missed Ethan who joined the One Show’s CIN Challenge Squad and starred as The Greatest Showman in the live show. Sally (Ethan’s Support & Advocacy Officer) and Steffi (Comms Team) were very excited to catch up with him and hear all about his incredible experience.
After a long a day in college, Ethan, together with his dad Simon, jumps on a call with us. Prepared with a cup of tea in his ‘Pudsey Rocks’ mug, we begin by talking about how Ethan got involved with the Challenge Squad. It all started at UCAN, a BBC CIN supported creative arts charity for visually impaired children and young people, which Ethan had already been a member of.
Taking part in their drama classes, really helped me grow my confidence.
Once they had included Ethan’s name on a long list of potential performers to join the Squad, the cogs were set into motion. What followed was a whirlwind of introductions to the BBC CIN team and when Ethan had found a rare moment to relax at the cinema with his friend, he finally received the amazing news that he had made it.
Together with Emily, Grace and Tanisha, Ethan embarked on a journey that would lead to a live performance in front of a thousand-strong studio audience and millions of people glued to their TV screens for the grand finale of last year’s Children in Need show. Excited to learn something new, including dancing for the very first time, Ethan made it his mission to inspire children like him with a performance of Come Alive from The Greatest Showman.
After watching The Greatest Showman, to see different disabilities and seeing how good they were, I thought, they’re disabled, so I can do it. It’s a song for all of us people who are different, it makes us feel special.
Appearing on the One Show and being in the spotlight in the lead up to the show made Ethan curious to learn more about all the logistics and work that goes on behind the scenes of television.
I wasn’t very interested in that before doing Challenge Squad. Since doing Children in Need, I have seen what goes on behind and that’s made me more enthusiastic about that.
As we talk about all the effort put into only a short interview, the phone suddenly rings. “Oh, the mother was calling”, he says with a smile and we all laugh. Thanks Di for checking in to make sure they hadn’t forgotten our call!
Can you imagine singing and dancing in front of so many people? No, neither can we. So, when we ask Ethan whether he was worried or anxious before stepping out on stage, we aren’t surprised when he replies:
I was just really, really nervous before going on. I am always terrified but when I get on, I just tap my side three times and then I am fine to go.
What a superstar! Of course Ethan’s performance was a huge hit, no nerves visible and the whole studio audience on their feet, cheering him on.
Reflecting on this moment, Ethan comments:
It’s just surreal to be there and do this stuff most people are normally not allowed to do.
Normally, Ethan doesn’t go to Manchester dressed in a sparkly red coat and top hat. Normally, Manchester is the destination for visiting his specialist centre. As Sally points out, the next time Ethan makes this journey, we hope there will be a ton of positive memories travelling with him.
Suddenly, Ethan gets up to show us something. “I got this!”, he says and proudly holds the red coat from his stage performance into the camera. Wow, what a fantastic keepsake! It is the first time Ethan has worn it again and he chuckles, “I have put on a couple of pounds since then.” Never mind that, both Sally and I are cheering, this is just so brilliant to see.
Of course, we had to ask about all the celebrities Ethan met along the way which he now surely has on speed dial. Whilst it was absolutely amazing to work with Vernon Kay and Alex Jones, talking to Rag’n’Bone Man came as the biggest surprise.
Meeting Rag’n’Bone Man was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I wasn’t expecting him to be there. We were just talking about rugby, and it was like oh my god! He is the nicest person.
With his parents Di and Simon behind him every step of the way, and all his wider family, friends, schools and even the village pub showing their support, Ethan tells us that he embarked on this challenge to show other children that they can do anything with MPS.
Don’t let people’s opinions get to you. If it’s a really annoying thing they say to you, don’t listen to them, they are not always true. Go for it and let you heart go as far as you can because that’s what I did. I hope I have given you some inspiration for your life.
From all the wonderful reactions Ethan has received, it quickly becomes clear that his performance's impact was enormous. Not only did likes and supportive comments explode on social media, but by reaching so many peoples’ homes, Ethan spread an immense amount of awareness about MPS and related conditions in such a positive and uplifting way. Lots of people reached out to share how much he had inspired them and numerous nurses who had met Ethan sent text messages to share their pride. Ethan was especially thrilled when he received a postcard from Jean, the nurse who first diagnosed him and since then retired. Simon comments:
We don’t tend to use social media an awful lot, but it has been an amazing platform with regards to getting MPS out there. I had two mums contact me through social media on the back of posts from the MPS Society and they were just saying how much hope it gives them seeing Ethan doing what he was doing on the stage.
The whole experience, Ethan reflects, has been somewhat of a distraction from everyday life and spending time with the other girls, listening to what they have been through, has given him a lot to think about. The Challenge Squad continue to remain in touch and make sure to regularly check in with each other.
We enjoy talking to Ethan and Simon so much, that we completely forget about time. After all, it’s been a busy few days already as Ethan mastered his first bus journey alone and had been to training with his inclusive football team, because you know “football is the best”.
As we thank both of them for such a brilliant chat, Simon adds:
The MPS Society has been great to us over the years, it’s an amazing support.
Now Ethan and his parents are looking forward to attending MPS Matters 2025, our community weekend in June and who knows, he might be bringing his red coat along.
Look out, 'cause here he comes …