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About the conditions

The MPS Society supports individuals affected by 27 rare lysosomal storage diseases. This includes the seven Mucopolysaccharide (MPS) diseases, Fabry and related diseases such as Mucolipidosis (ML), LAL D, GM 1 Gangliosidosis and more.

Lysosomes are the recycling plants of our cells.  When working normally they continuously break down old materials to be recycled. In Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs) this process no longer works the way it should.

When the Lysosomes are not working in the way that they should, old materials build up in the cells and, over time, cause damage. This damage results in the progressive signs and symptoms we see in the conditions that we support.

You can find out more about the individual conditions we support below:

Alpha-Mannosidosis - Alpha-mannosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disease of the glycoprotein family of diseases and is closely related to mucopolysaccharidoses, the disease...
Aspartylglycosaminuria - Aspartylglycosaminuria (AGU) is one of the oligosaccharides storage diseases. AGU was first described by Dr Pollitt and others in 1968.Read on for...
Beta-Mannosidosis - Beta-mannosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disease of the glycoprotein family of diseases and is closely related to mucopolysaccharidoses....
Fabry - On this page you can find our animated guide, general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources...
Farber disease - Farber disease is a rare, progressive disease caused by a deficiency (reduced function) of an enzyme called acid ceramidase. Farber disease is also...
Free Sialic Acid Storage Disease - Free sialic acid storage diseases (free SASDs) are rare inherited lysosomal storage diseases. There are three forms of free SASDs; an infantile form...
Fucosidosis - Fucosidosis is one of the oligosaccharides storage diseases, it was first described by Dr Durand in 1966.Read on for information about the condition or...
Gaucher - Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disease. 
Geleophysic dysplasia - Geleophysic dysplasia is a very rare progressive disease which comes under a group of diseases related to the mucopolysaccharidoses.Read on for...
GM1 Gangliosidosis - GM1 gangliosidosis is an inherited lysosomal storage disease that progressively destroys nerve cells (neurons) in the brain and spinal cord.Read on for...
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (LAL D) - Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL D) is a rare genetic disease that is characterised by problems in the breakdown and use of fats and cholesterol in...
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy - Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is an inherited lysosomal storage disease that progressively destroys nerve cells (neurons) in the brain and spinal...
MPS conditions - Mucopolysaccharide (MPS) conditions are a family of rare, life limiting lysosomal storage disorders that can affect both children and adults....
MPS I Hurler, Hurler Scheie and Scheie - On this page you can find our animated guide, general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources...
MPS II Hunter - On this page you can find our animated guide, general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources...
MPS III Sanfilippo - On this page you can find general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources and events.
MPS IV Morquio - On this page you can find general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources and events.
MPS IX Natowicz - On this page you can find general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources and events.
MPS VI Maroteaux Lamy - On this page you can find general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources and events.
MPS VII Sly - On this page you can find general information about the condition, latest news, updates and stories and a list of relevant resources and events.
Mucolipidosis Type I - Mucolipidosis type I (ML I), also known as sialidosis, is a rare inherited lysosomal storage disease, belonging to the group of oligosaccharidosis that...
Mucolipidosis Type II - Mucolipidosis Type II (ML II) is one of the lysosomal storage diseases known collectively as mucolipidoses and is also referred to as I-Cell Disease. ML...
Mucolipidosis Type III - Mucolipidosis Type III (ML III) is one of the lysosomal storage diseases known collectively as mucolipidoses and is sometimes referred to as Pseudo-Hurler...
Mucolipidosis Type IV - Mucolipidosis type IV (ML IV) also known as ganglioside sialidase deficiency and sialolipidosis, is an inherited lysosomal storage disease, belonging to...
Multiple sulphatase deficiency - Multiple sulphatase deficiency (MSD) is a lysosomal storage condition closely related to the mucopolysaccharidoses in which all twelve of the known...
Related conditions - The MPS Society supports 27 MPS and related diseases including the Mucolipidoses, other ‘storage diseases’ and the following conditions which...
Winchester Syndrome - Winchester syndrome is a rare inherited disease characterised by a loss of bone tissue (osteolysis), particularly in the hands and feet. Although it is...