MPS Society provides useful resources. We are always adding new information so come back regularly to see what we've posted.

Understanding MPS II Hunter disease
We know that being diagnosed with a rare disease is life-changing and you can struggle to come to terms with it. Therefore, we have...

The COVID-19 vaccine and Inherited Metabolic Disease: what you need to know
An expert panel addresses questions and concerns relating to the vaccines for those with an IMD.
Latest information for clinically extremely vulnerable adults and children
Information and guidance for clinically extremely vulnerable adults and children
Impact report 2019/20
In the latest edition of our new-look newsletter you can read about the impact our supporters have helped us to make in 2019.

MPS and COVID: expert advice for patients and families
MPS and COVID webinar for patients and their families.

Bob's top tips on surviving lockdown
Bob Stevens, Chief Executive of the MPS Society and father to two teenage boys with MPS II Hunter, shares his tips for surviving lockdown.

Laboratory investigations of MPS diseases
A video lecture on what happens from a laboratory point of view when it comes to making a diagnosis for MPS diseases.

Focus on Fabry: living with Fabry and coronavirus
First Fabry patient webinar focussing on Fabry and coronavirus is today at 4pm.

Inherited Metabolic Disease and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Webinar – 11 June 2020
The second webinar in this series focuses on how those affected by inherited metabolic diseases may be impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.
Implications of the Coronavirus Act 2020 for adult health and social care services
Steve, is here to fill you in on the key points of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the particular implications on adult health and social care.
Coping with your family's psychological health
Right now this might feel like a particularly stressful time and so it's really important to look after our psychological health.

Staying active at home with Michelle Wood
Michelle Wood is a physiotherapist at GOSH who has shared her physio advice, ideas, hints and tips to help you keep active at home.

10 tips for taking care of yourself during lockdown
Claire, parent of children with MPS, doctor and mindfulness teacher has produced a short video giving tips on self-care during lockdown.
Be prepared: emergency information for admission to hospital
Emergency information for admission to hospital that you should have to hand.
NHS England and shielding (updated 24 June 2020)
Many of you may have received a text message or a letter from NHS England about shielding. What is it?

Webinar on coronavirus (COVID-19) and living with an inherited metabolic disease (IMD) 23 March 2020
Thank you to the panel members who joined today's webinar and to the British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group (BIMDG), Metabolic Support...
Advice for patients, parents and guardians on inherited metabolic disease and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Some practical general information and links to reliable websites for anyone concerned about inherited metabolic diseases and Coronovirus.