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Naomi's story
My name is Naomi, I am 20 years old and I have Fabry disease, which I was diagnosed with when I was 10.
Oliver's story
I was diagnosed with MPS VI in 1999 when I was just 4 years old. At this time there was no cure or treatment to help slow down the progression of the disease but with research largely funded by the MPS Society a treatment was developed.
Joanne's story
Joanne was diagnosed with MPS IV Morquio when she was 3. She is now 26 and the intervening years have been a roller-coaster of emotions and experiences.
Oliver and Sam
Oliver and Samuel are brothers and they both have MPS II Hunter disease because their bodies are missing a special enzyme.
Miya's story
Miya has MPS I Hurler disease, here her mum shares her story from a rocky start to her diagnosis thanks to an orthopaedic doctor who spotted her symptoms might be part of something greater.